The Future GateKeepers Of Balance Between Nature and Humankind
Batteryless & Wireless Gaming Accessories
Magnetic Connectors & Switches
What People Are Saying
I took a quick look at your deck and I'd give it a thumbs up assuming your unique advantage is what I read glancing through it – "there is no competition" and it's "patented" (I assume the patent(s) have been issued). Your mission of promoting and positioning yourselves as "batteryless" is a very strong platform for current and future products and product lines. As for the raise, I would either round up or round down – $1,000,000. Consider crowdfunding as an option (Indiegogo and Kickstarter). I could see many supporting your mission and wanting in on the first release. I hope this helps.
Best, John
To have 'The World's Most Efficient and Safest Batteryless Technology' secured with a patent strikes me as putting you in a very strong position. Obviously nothing is certain, but one thing I've learned working with countless startups is that even not so great ideas can be successful, and this seems like a pretty strong idea (more than an idea given the patent etc) to me.
Best, Will
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